TQNEE for programming & information technology is an official Saudi establishment, business registration no. 2050234642. The headquarters is in the eastern area.
E-commerce has made a revolution in the selling & buying culture. You are no longer forced to go somewhere to make a deal, sign a commercial agreement or buy a product.
You don’t need a big capital to have an online store. Form the labor side costs, the online store don’t need a large number of workers as it runs by itself. It works as a manager, a cashier, an accountant …etc. An online store is a complete organization that runs around the clock for no salary.
You can initiate your online store and manage it from your house. All you need is a PC or a tablet and you can easily manage your store.
Don’t worry about the technical support. All you have is to open your store and we will support you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We take no holidays.
More than 70% of Saudis below 30 years old depend on online communication and marketing means.
Online stores works without stop, which gives the vendors the opportunity to make more profit.
Comparing what a vendor needs to establish a traditional store to what they need to establish an online one will make you find that there is not nearly as much as rivalry as e-commerce doesn’t need money, but ideas.
E-commerce is one of the fastest growing fields. The e-environment, the fast internet connections, tablet devices and smartphones, which are very common in KSA, helped e-commerce to grow fast.
KSA is the third country around the world with users of smartphones. Percentage of smartphone users in Saudi Arabia is (72.8%) that comes after UAE (73.8%) and Korea (73%). The fourth and fifth countries are Singapore (71.7%) and Norway (67.5%).
A newly issued report has revealed that KSA has around 30.25 million users of the internet. The social media accounts reached about 25 million. The active mobile phones on social media are about 18 million devices. The number of internet users has increased in 2017 by 8 million people, which is a percentage of 34%. The number of social media users increased by 6 million in 2017, a percentage of 32%. In addition, the number of smartphones increased by 2 million devices according to local newspapers.